Spring Cleaning Checklist: The Household Mold Version

It’s been a long, cold winter in our part of the world and I, for one, am more than ready for spring to arrive. However, warmer weather means higher chances of mold growing in or around your home. Here are a few spring cleaning tips to be at the top of your mold prevention game. […]

What Happens When Your House is Inspected for Mold Growth?

I think it’s safe to say almost everyone knows about mold and mold growth. You’ve seen it grow on your roommate’s food when they left it in the fridge too long and there’s a good chance you did your fourth grade science project on it. The stuff on your walls, the stuff on your food […]

Thermal Imaging Course Complete!

Whenever we have a moment to brag about our colleagues in the Mold Solutions or DryFx families, we like to jump on it. A few weeks ago we took a minute to spotlight, Leanne Winters, in our new series called the Employee Spotlight and now, I have some more news to share. Thermal Imaging Training […]

Mold Growth in Your Ductwork

Sometimes you’ll see images of mold online and probably think to yourself, “How did the owners miss THAT?” or “Why would anyone ever let the issue go that long?” I know I did before I worked in the mold removal industry. The truth is, most of the time mold is really good at hiding and […]

Basement Mold Removal: The Process

Two of mold’s favorite hiding spots are your attic and your basement, and because mold is not picky when it comes to food sources, it sees a virtual buffet practically anywhere it looks. Food isn’t enough for mold to survive. It needs moisture to go along with it so it can grow and ruin lives […]

Household Mold in the Attic: What to Look For

Studies show that more than 50% of attics in U.S. homes have mold, but most of us aren’t aware it’s up there. In fact, it’s generally only discovered during a home inspection. Attic mold can lead to serious health and structural issues, though, so here’s a brief look at how to check your attic for […]

Household Mold: What Effects Can It Have?

With mold, it isn’t always as simple as “what you see is what you get.” Mold can cause discoloration of your walls, but it’s not always the same color. It can be black, but that doesn’t mean it’s the “toxic black mold” you’ve seen in the news. If you aren’t well-versed on all things mold […]

Household Mold Testing and Removal: The Process

Finding mold in your home can be incredibly frustrating and alarming if you aren’t sure what you’re dealing with and unsure of where to start. We’ve all heard of the adverse side effects of mold and the potential health problems it can cause. You’re probably wondering where to start if you’ve found mold and you […]

Safe Mold Removal Products for You and Your Pets

If you’re anything like me, you consider your pets as part of the family. We all know mold can cause allergic reactions in humans, but did you know it can affect your pets as well? If you’ve noticed your dog or cat with itchy skin, it’s possible they may have a mold allergy. If you […]