Mold Prevention: Start With Your Ducts and Go From There

As the saying goes “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and the same rings true for mold prevention. If you’ve already found mold in your house, the first step is removing it (which we do, click here to learn more) and after it’s gone, you can work on preventing it from […]

Mold Removal from Within Your Walls: Info You Need to Know

We all know that mold is sneaky. (Remember? Like a ninja.) What do we do if it’s hiding in our walls, though? Unfortunately it’s a common place for mold to grow and usually the last thing anyone wants to do is tear their walls down to resolve the issue. Thankfully, you don’t have to! What […]

Employee Spotlight – Leanne Winters

I haven’t been at Mold Solutions long. Plus, I work remotely all the way in Lexington, Kentucky. This means I only get to communicate to all of these wonderful people by phone calls, email and video conference calls. However, that did not stop them from being extremely welcoming when I joined the Mold Solutions family. […]

Poor Ventilation and Mold Growth

One of the key factors in mold growth is ventilation. Good ventilation helps circulate new, clean air and helps it move throughout the area and prevents allergens from spreading. Areas with poor ventilation can become breeding grounds for mold if they have a wet area to feed on and that is something you definitely want […]

Household Mold: Are Air Purifiers Helpful?

If you do your research, you’ll find lots of options to help with do-it-yourself mold removal. This ranges from over-the-counter cleaning solutions to air purifiers. We aren’t against do-it-yourself mold removal if it meets certain conditions. If the patch of household mold is less than 10 square feet, it can be fairly easy to remove. […]

Does Weather Affect Mold Growth?

Have you ever noticed changes in your health when the weather changes? When it rains, do you notice your nose running? If it’s really windy outside, do your eyes get particularly itchy? A large majority of the public has issues relating to allergies to common molds and weeds. I know I’m a hot mess all […]

Household Mold and Your Pets

We often hear about the dangers of household mold and have talked about it here on this very blog. The majority of the time, when the dangers of mold are discussed, it’s in regard to the humans living in your household, but what about our furry family members? I have two snorty little pugs who […]

Mold Prevention: The Basics

Mold prevention is one of the most popular conversations with our customers—and with good reason. Nobody wants mold setting up shop in their house and prevention is key when you have to deal with it. If you’re interested in learning some of the basic steps to take in mold prevention, you’ve come to the right […]